I think we need purple leopard print clothing and sweet sunglasses to be real bad girls!
On a more serious note, though, it feels very peculiar to be a bad girl while doing frappes. Theoretically it seems impossible to do both well simultaneously since frappes rely heavily on the structure of the core and bad girl poses require a certain amount of manipulation in the core.
Trying to find the balance between the two makes frappes that much more exciting. And, frappes are rarely performed exactly as they are exercised at the barre, so introducing other challenges can be of benefit during center exercises and performances. I suppose the second video somehow relates to this.
On the other hand it is always entertaining to bad girl it up with fellow classmates without having to worry about frappes.
I had such a hard time being a bad girl in class because everyone one was good at it that I couldn't stop laughing. That class is too much fun sometimes. I am glad that I am able to understand ballet better with these fun little poses. I guess on friday if we do Bad girl Poses I will have to get more into it because I haven't quite gotten into it enough. After watching those videos though I am very inspired by this video. That little ballerina is awesome! What a bad girl!
Being a bad girl was an exciting twist. I think it's fun to see the boys do their bad girl impressions. I thought it was interesting when Louis pointed out how the main difference when assuming the bad girl position was in the hips. It's nice to have that little break in the middle of all of the structure of ballet, since most of us stand with our hips to one side anyway. I don't want to look like a stick all the time.
I really enjoy doing bad girl ballet. Standing in a bad girl pose is so much more natural than standing in proper alignment, and it offers a nice contrast to how we normally stand during class. I agree with Jessica that it is easy to get distracted by other people because bad girl poses are SO entertaining to watch. Sticking your hips out almost stretches your legs after standing with them straight for so long.
It's so weird to be bad girl. Bad girl required some certain type of attutide. I had hard time to act like a bad girl because when i look at other people in the class act like a bad girl,i can not stop laughing, because they are too cute and their attitude is so great.
I enjoy a lot to switch from ballet girl to be a bad girl, because when i was a ballet girl, I have to act very proper and confidence with my movement but when i act like a bad girl, i have to get the attidtude and also i put my hand in top of my hip, the position is not proper.
I still like this type exercise because i have different type of feeling in different type of movement.
It is good practice breaking out of the middle of a ballet exercise into a "bad girl" pose and then realigning the body back to finish the exercise. It seems easy to find the right position and hold it throughout class but when you have to go into a random pose and immediately go back to proper allignment, things can get a little more tricky. That was a very clever way to help us work on allignment. Like Jessica said, I too had a hard time being a bad girl in class without laughing but it was a nice break from a structured barre exercise.
Being a bad girl is a very different change from being a ballet girl. When im a ballet girl i am serious and i have to think to get moves done, when im a bad girl the moves come naturally and i feel like i have more patience. i don't' have to think to stick my hips out and do a supermodel pose it just comes naturally. it is also easier to get into the bad girl from ballet then going from bad girl to ballet.
I love doing the bad girl poses. except making that im so bad at making faces for it. its tough because by then i laugh so hard cuz other people are doing it so good! This class is so much fun i love it! especially today, doing the supermodel/bad girl poses. Its cool because you get to break away from all the proper alignment and all that,(feel like u are being pulled up ) and then u'll get refreshedand be better at what we are supposed to do as ballerinas
PS: the girls are so cute doing all this "bad" things
"Like whatever!" I enjoyed being a bad girl It gave me a chance to be someone I'm not. Sometimes I wish I could just let myself go and not be the responsible one. It was especially fun to just let go during the class. Ballet is so structured and I have to think hard during it. I think it was a relief to just let loose with a less respectful attitude.
I just wish I could do this in real life. I know I won't do this out of class, so it was a release to be able to play the "bitch" in class.
I guess I am going to be honest and say that the bad girl thing didn't work for me. I couldn't connect the frappes to the bad girl, so they both ended up feeling kind of clunky and awkward. but trying different things helps us improve. So.
Taking on the role of the attitude in your face bad girl translated my frappes into strikes of force. The moments of taking on the role of bad girl allowed me to feel embody what energy I needed to implement into the frappe exercise. So when we came back to the "ballet girl" exercise I was able to transfer that energy by using diversification. I maintained the rest of my body in alignment and applied the bad girl energy to the strike of my foot I became more efficienet and articulate with the exericse
I definitely had never been a bad girl in a ballet class before, or any dance class, for that matter. It was so different from being being really concerned with poise and technique the way I usually am when I am dancing and it was interesting and kind of difficult for me to interchange the two...moving like a Bad Girl is definitely not something I am used to accessing in my thinking while I am dancing ballet and it was a challenge to do so. It was also really interesting to realize that the first thing we all did as Bad Girls was jutt out our hips! I thought it was a lot of fun and it helped me realize some things about my poise and structure as a Ballet Girl.
Being a bad girl was fun. It was really funny to see other people do their bad girl impressions *ahem* especially the guys.I also found it really interesting when it was pointed out that a "bad girl" position relies on the the hips sticking out. I found it hard to transition between being a bad girl and then doing frappe since they are so different but it was good to be able to feel the difference.
It was a really cool transition because ballerinas and bad girls never conjure the same images. I'm glad we stuck to the frappes and then posing as bad girls, as opposed to the frappes with the bad girl look - putting them at the same time was hard because I think the bad girl image has to be more than just the facial expression, ex: hips, shoulders.
I think my whole bad girl ended looking more like an amused girl trying to look mad. I think I could be a bad girl with my shoulders or my hips. But what about my arms? my legs? Is that possible? I will try it out in the mirror...Louis, you are a better bad girl than I could ever hope for. :)
I liked being a bad girl even in a ballet class!! It was such a great refreshment as everyone said. I found being a bad girl is harder than being ballelina in some points. We need to act!! Otherwise you can not look cool. It is really hard especially for a shy girl like me. Being ballelina does not always require to act, of course it is desirable though. Since one of main points of ballet is technique, dancing ballet without acting like facial expression and confidence iseems okay. However without those you ll never able to be a cool, provocative and attractive bad girl. Umm, bad girl is difficult to become..!
this reminds me of the time when i was a little girl and the ballet studio was next to the taekwando studio. well i was only seven and i quit taekwando to take dance.
I liked being the bad ballet girl in class. It's fun to expand and get to do some acting along with ballet because ballerina's aren't bad girls. It's nice to take a break from frappes because they can be difficult and somewhat tiring. Getting in and out of ballet girl and bad girl poses makes you think about if you're really standing up straight and making correct lines.
Initially, being a bad girl felt pretty.. awkward. I couldn't help but think to myself "Is he freakin' serious..?" (But then again, Louis is full of surprises).
So, in an attempt to perfect my bad girl "image," I underwent a few complications. Such as..
1) Repeating the same hip action over and over and over again (without realizing it).
2) Getting wayyy to caught up where I totally miss the next step.
3) Making ridiculous non bad girl faces and then end up laughing about it..
BUT, the most important thing is.. I no longer feel awkward because it's kinda fun. =) It's not easy to break into bad girl mode in 8 counts and then back to ballet girl in another 8 counts.
I thought becoming a bad grrrl was fun and I'm excited to do it again...there's a sentence I never thought I'd write. Seriously though, I like transitioning from one position to another and back again in an unusual manner, whether it's falling to the ground, or bad grrrling it up...although I wouldn't describe frappes as exciting, this does help make them more bearable. Also, on a side note...I may be an efficient bad grrrl, but Louis is King...er...Queen.
It's always good to try something new and different. So for me this "bad girl" persona is not me. But it was the kind of attitude that the frappes have. This strong and forceful way. It was fun, I enjoyed it.
I think for me, moving back and forth between a bad girl and ballet girl is a good way to see the contrast in body movement and positioning as well as attitude of dance style. I know that, for me, it's very important to have that safe place to release the inner "bad girl" :) But, then it's wonderful to go back to the proper sophisticated ballet girl. Bad girl booty shaking is definitely helpful in releasing the hips from some of the more concise and measured ballet girl moves.
Also, I think that for everyone, breaking out of the typical ballet mindset for a little bit to be a bad girl is helpful in creating an open, accepting environment in which we can do silly, fun things and really enjoy ourselves in both ballet and other forms of dance. I've definitely seen a lot of people open up a lot more because of these moments of improv or being bad girls :)
Being a bad girl in ballet was fun for me because i'm usually the one being a bad girl anyways and this time we were allowed to be :) So I really liked that. Also, it really felt like it helped teh frappes because I usually hate them and feel like they are boring and pointless, but when we were pretending to be bad girls, they were much more exciting.
Oh! I'm so sad I was gone for bad girls! haha I wanna be a bad girl! I'd imagine it involves taking on a certain character to add a sort of contrast and give attitude and emotion to your dancing. It can take a lot of bravery to bring out your inner actor, but it brings so much life to your dancing and keeps things exciting. Someone needs to teach me the bad girl pose! Trevor?
I think I'd have to agree with Kate A and say that the bad girl thing didn't quite work for me either. It was very challenging to focus on attitude in the face, etc, and get the footwork right with the frappes. But on the other hand - it was a combination of two things that are challenging for me. Frappes have taken me quite a while to get used to, but my technique is still very fragile in regards to them. And then acting is another challenge for me - so put them together and I am faced with a frustrating challenge, which ultimately is a good thing - so to work past the challenges and push yourself in new ways. I appreciate that aspect a lot, even if I do feel frustrated.
I didn't actually get a chance to be a "bad girl" because I was sick, but I imagine it would have felt liberating. Breaking free from the structured sometimes stuffy feeling of ballet and puttin' some 'tude into dance. I think this would be very fun. I also think it'd be fun to watch others impressions of their inner "bad girls."
Sometimes you need to be able to be a bad girl to be a good girl in real life. Get your aggressions out in hip movements and strike the floor with frappes that would slice through your worst enemies are some great pros to this. Of course, being a ballet girl helps you maintain control over the insanity of human life.
I think we need purple leopard print clothing and sweet sunglasses to be real bad girls!
On a more serious note, though, it feels very peculiar to be a bad girl while doing frappes. Theoretically it seems impossible to do both well simultaneously since frappes rely heavily on the structure of the core and bad girl poses require a certain amount of manipulation in the core.
Trying to find the balance between the two makes frappes that much more exciting. And, frappes are rarely performed exactly as they are exercised at the barre, so introducing other challenges can be of benefit during center exercises and performances. I suppose the second video somehow relates to this.
On the other hand it is always entertaining to bad girl it up with fellow classmates without having to worry about frappes.
I had such a hard time being a bad girl in class because everyone one was good at it that I couldn't stop laughing. That class is too much fun sometimes. I am glad that I am able to understand ballet better with these fun little poses. I guess on friday if we do Bad girl Poses I will have to get more into it because I haven't quite gotten into it enough. After watching those videos though I am very inspired by this video. That little ballerina is awesome! What a bad girl!
Being a bad girl was an exciting twist. I think it's fun to see the boys do their bad girl impressions. I thought it was interesting when Louis pointed out how the main difference when assuming the bad girl position was in the hips. It's nice to have that little break in the middle of all of the structure of ballet, since most of us stand with our hips to one side anyway. I don't want to look like a stick all the time.
I really enjoy doing bad girl ballet. Standing in a bad girl pose is so much more natural than standing in proper alignment, and it offers a nice contrast to how we normally stand during class. I agree with Jessica that it is easy to get distracted by other people because bad girl poses are SO entertaining to watch. Sticking your hips out almost stretches your legs after standing with them straight for so long.
It's so weird to be bad girl. Bad girl required some certain type of attutide. I had hard time to act like a bad girl because when i look at other people in the class act like a bad girl,i can not stop laughing, because they are too cute and their attitude is so great.
I enjoy a lot to switch from ballet girl to be a bad girl, because when i was a ballet girl, I have to act very proper and confidence with my movement but when i act like a bad girl, i have to get the attidtude and also i put my hand in top of my hip, the position is not proper.
I still like this type exercise because i have different type of feeling in different type of movement.
It is good practice breaking out of the middle of a ballet exercise into a "bad girl" pose and then realigning the body back to finish the exercise. It seems easy to find the right position and hold it throughout class but when you have to go into a random pose and immediately go back to proper allignment, things can get a little more tricky. That was a very clever way to help us work on allignment. Like Jessica said, I too had a hard time being a bad girl in class without laughing but it was a nice break from a structured barre exercise.
Being a bad girl is a very different change from being a ballet girl. When im a ballet girl i am serious and i have to think to get moves done, when im a bad girl the moves come naturally and i feel like i have more patience. i don't' have to think to stick my hips out and do a supermodel pose it just comes naturally. it is also easier to get into the bad girl from ballet then going from bad girl to ballet.
I love doing the bad girl poses. except making that im so bad at making faces for it. its tough because by then i laugh so hard cuz other people are doing it so good!
This class is so much fun i love it! especially today, doing the supermodel/bad girl poses. Its cool because you get to break away from all the proper alignment and all that,(feel like u are being pulled up ) and then u'll get refreshedand be better at what we are supposed to do as ballerinas
PS: the girls are so cute doing all this "bad" things
"Like whatever!" I enjoyed being a bad girl It gave me a chance to be someone I'm not. Sometimes I wish I could just let myself go and not be the responsible one. It was especially fun to just let go during the class. Ballet is so structured and I have to think hard during it. I think it was a relief to just let loose with a less respectful attitude.
I just wish I could do this in real life. I know I won't do this out of class, so it was a release to be able to play the "bitch" in class.
I guess I am going to be honest and say that the bad girl thing didn't work for me.
I couldn't connect the frappes to the bad girl, so they both ended up feeling kind of clunky and awkward.
but trying different things helps us improve. So.
Taking on the role of the attitude in your face bad girl translated my frappes into strikes of force.
The moments of taking on the role of bad girl allowed me to feel embody what energy I needed to implement into the frappe exercise. So when we came back to the "ballet girl" exercise I was able to transfer that energy by using diversification. I maintained the rest of my body in alignment and applied the bad girl energy to the strike of my foot I became more efficienet and articulate with the exericse
mhowis3 is Ashley Howisey!
I definitely had never been a bad girl in a ballet class before, or any dance class, for that matter. It was so different from being being really concerned with poise and technique the way I usually am when I am dancing and it was interesting and kind of difficult for me to interchange the two...moving like a Bad Girl is definitely not something I am used to accessing in my thinking while I am dancing ballet and it was a challenge to do so. It was also really interesting to realize that the first thing we all did as Bad Girls was jutt out our hips! I thought it was a lot of fun and it helped me realize some things about my poise and structure as a Ballet Girl.
Being a bad girl was fun. It was really funny to see other people do their bad girl impressions *ahem* especially the guys.I also found it really interesting when it was pointed out that a "bad girl" position relies on the the hips sticking out. I found it hard to transition between being a bad girl and then doing frappe since they are so different but it was good to be able to feel the difference.
It was a really cool transition because ballerinas and bad girls never conjure the same images. I'm glad we stuck to the frappes and then posing as bad girls, as opposed to the frappes with the bad girl look - putting them at the same time was hard because I think the bad girl image has to be more than just the facial expression, ex: hips, shoulders.
I think my whole bad girl ended looking more like an amused girl trying to look mad. I think I could be a bad girl with my shoulders or my hips. But what about my arms? my legs? Is that possible? I will try it out in the mirror...Louis, you are a better bad girl than I could ever hope for. :)
Is that so? I am learning from Trevor.
I liked being a bad girl even in a ballet class!! It was such a great refreshment as everyone said.
I found being a bad girl is harder than being ballelina in some points.
We need to act!! Otherwise you can not look cool. It is really hard especially for a shy girl like me. Being ballelina does not always require to act, of course it is desirable though. Since one of main points of ballet is technique, dancing ballet without acting like facial expression and confidence iseems okay. However without those you ll never able to be a cool, provocative and attractive bad girl. Umm, bad girl is difficult to become..!
this reminds me of the time when i was a little girl and the ballet studio was next to the taekwando studio. well i was only seven and i quit taekwando to take dance.
I liked being the bad ballet girl in class. It's fun to expand and get to do some acting along with ballet because ballerina's aren't bad girls. It's nice to take a break from frappes because they can be difficult and somewhat tiring. Getting in and out of ballet girl and bad girl poses makes you think about if you're really standing up straight and making correct lines.
Initially, being a bad girl felt pretty.. awkward. I couldn't help but think to myself "Is he freakin' serious..?" (But then again, Louis is full of surprises).
So, in an attempt to perfect my bad girl "image," I underwent a few complications. Such as..
1) Repeating the same hip action over and over and over again (without realizing it).
2) Getting wayyy to caught up where I totally miss the next step.
3) Making ridiculous non bad girl faces and then end up laughing about it..
BUT, the most important thing is.. I no longer feel awkward because it's kinda fun. =) It's not easy to break into bad girl mode in 8 counts and then back to ballet girl in another 8 counts.
I thought becoming a bad grrrl was fun and I'm excited to do it again...there's a sentence I never thought I'd write.
Seriously though, I like transitioning from one position to another and back again in an unusual manner, whether it's falling to the ground, or bad grrrling it up...although I wouldn't describe frappes as exciting, this does help make them more bearable.
Also, on a side note...I may be an efficient bad grrrl, but Louis is King...er...Queen.
It's always good to try something new and different. So for me this "bad girl" persona is not me. But it was the kind of attitude that the frappes have. This strong and forceful way. It was fun, I enjoyed it.
I think for me, moving back and forth between a bad girl and ballet girl is a good way to see the contrast in body movement and positioning as well as attitude of dance style. I know that, for me, it's very important to have that safe place to release the inner "bad girl" :) But, then it's wonderful to go back to the proper sophisticated ballet girl. Bad girl booty shaking is definitely helpful in releasing the hips from some of the more concise and measured ballet girl moves.
Also, I think that for everyone, breaking out of the typical ballet mindset for a little bit to be a bad girl is helpful in creating an open, accepting environment in which we can do silly, fun things and really enjoy ourselves in both ballet and other forms of dance. I've definitely seen a lot of people open up a lot more because of these moments of improv or being bad girls :)
Being a bad girl in ballet was fun for me because i'm usually the one being a bad girl anyways and this time we were allowed to be :) So I really liked that. Also, it really felt like it helped teh frappes because I usually hate them and feel like they are boring and pointless, but when we were pretending to be bad girls, they were much more exciting.
Oh! I'm so sad I was gone for bad girls! haha I wanna be a bad girl! I'd imagine it involves taking on a certain character to add a sort of contrast and give attitude and emotion to your dancing. It can take a lot of bravery to bring out your inner actor, but it brings so much life to your dancing and keeps things exciting. Someone needs to teach me the bad girl pose! Trevor?
I think I'd have to agree with Kate A and say that the bad girl thing didn't quite work for me either. It was very challenging to focus on attitude in the face, etc, and get the footwork right with the frappes. But on the other hand - it was a combination of two things that are challenging for me. Frappes have taken me quite a while to get used to, but my technique is still very fragile in regards to them. And then acting is another challenge for me - so put them together and I am faced with a frustrating challenge, which ultimately is a good thing - so to work past the challenges and push yourself in new ways. I appreciate that aspect a lot, even if I do feel frustrated.
I didn't actually get a chance to be a "bad girl" because I was sick, but I imagine it would have felt liberating. Breaking free from the structured sometimes stuffy feeling of ballet and puttin' some 'tude into dance. I think this would be very fun. I also think it'd be fun to watch others impressions of their inner "bad girls."
Sometimes you need to be able to be a bad girl to be a good girl in real life. Get your aggressions out in hip movements and strike the floor with frappes that would slice through your worst enemies are some great pros to this. Of course, being a ballet girl helps you maintain control over the insanity of human life.
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